Minister for Youth Hon Priyanca Radhakrishnan has today announced the Youth Members of Parliament (MPs), the Youth Clerk, and the Youth Press Gallery Members who have been selected to participate in Youth Parliament 2022.
Each MP selects a young person to represent them and their community during the six-month tenure of Youth Parliament. The Clerk of the House of Representatives selects one young person to participate as Youth Clerk, while the Parliamentary Press Gallery members oversee those who act in their stead for Youth Parliament.
The Youth Parliament 2022 programme will run from 01 March to 31 August 2022, with the two-day event taking place on 19 and 20 July. The six-month programme allows young people from around Aotearoa New Zealand to actively work and be heard on topics and issues they are passionate about.
“Youth Parliament is a unique chance for rangatahi across Aotearoa New Zealand to learn more about how our democracy works, and how they can use their voices to make a difference for their communities,” Speaker of the House of Representatives
Rt Hon Trevor Mallard said.
“Despite recent times being challenging, it has been wonderful to see so many rangatahi from diverse backgrounds step up and put their names forward to take part in Youth Parliament. Young people from different walks of life have been selected as Youth MPs to represent their peers and bring rangatahi voices to the table on the things that matter most to them,” Priyanca Radhakrishnan said.
From March 2022, these Youth MPs will engage with their community, connect with the MP they represent, and work on self-initiated projects. At the Youth Parliament event, they will debate mock legislation, sit on select committees, and ask parliamentary questions of Ministers. Their activities will be covered by the Youth Press Gallery.
“The Youth Press Gallery members will report on the activities of Youth MPs, and the debates, select committees, and mock legislation during the Youth Parliament event. They will have a fantastic opportunity to learn from some of Aotearoa New Zealand’s best political journalists and understand the important role the Press Gallery plays. I expect that these young people will have a big part to play in increasing youth voice in the media,” Priyanca Radhakrishnan said.
Danica Louie-Wijtenburg has been selected as the very first Youth Clerk of the House. As the first person in this role, they will be at the heart of political decision making and have an important role to play in ensuring that Youth Parliament runs as it should for the rangatahi of Aotearoa New Zealand.
Find the current list of Youth Parliament 2022 participants here:
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