PM congratulates Queen’s Birthday Honours recipients

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has added her congratulations to the New Zealanders recognised for their contributions to their communities and the country in the Queen’s Birthday 2021 Honours List.
“This group represents decades of services across many areas, and those honoured highlight how many New Zealanders are going above and beyond for the benefits of us all,” Jacinda Ardern said.
“Alongside an incredible career as a musician and advocate for Te Reo Maori, Hinewehi Mohi’s work with music therapy is outstanding and has literally changed the lives of thousands of New Zealanders with disabilities,” Jacinda Ardern said.
“Joining her are Professor Carolyn Burns, whose world-leading work on the ecology of lakes and lake health, is also an issue that is very close to the hearts of New Zealanders.
“Judy Kilpatrick’s well-earned retirement comes after almost 50 years at the forefront of nursing education where her work has improved the lives of so many, while Ruia Morrison is honoured for her outstanding tennis career, including, in the 1950s, including being the first New Zealand woman to compete at Wimbledon.
“Mike Daniell exemplifies what is so good about many New Zealand businesses – finding a problem and using skills and expertise to provide a world-leading solution – which is just what Mike has led Fisher and Paykel Healthcare to become world-famous for.
“Distinguished Professor William Denny’s work on anticancer drug research is globally praised as is the art of Grahame Sydney.
“Buck Shelford is knighted for his contribution to rugby over many years as well as his extensive community work,” Jacinda Ardern said.
Jacinda Ardern also welcomed the recognition given to Sarah Stuart-Black (for services to emergency management), and to recently deceased Dunedin Mayor Dave Cull (for services to local government).
“While I can only ever talk about a few individually, I hope all of those honoured today feel rightly proud of their achievements and, on behalf of all New Zealanders, I thank them for their work and sacrifice,” Jacinda Ardern said.

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