Pacific mental wellbeing supported across Auckland and Wellington

Pacific people in New Zealand will be better supported with new mental health and addiction services rolling out across the Auckland and Wellington regions, says Aupito William Sio.
“One size does not fit all when it comes to supporting the mental wellbeing of our Pacific peoples. We need a by Pacific, for Pacific approach that appreciates the diversity of our Pacific communities.
“Pacific people are more likely to develop mental distress than the general population, but less likely to reach out for support.
“It has been proven that culturally appropriate services support better mental health outcomes. With these new services across the Auckland, Counties Manukau, Hutt Valley and Capital and Coast DHB areas, people will have more access to services that they can feel confident will appreciate their Pacific languages, cultures and values,” Aupito William Sio said.
The new services funded through today’s announcement are in addition to the Pacific services that we have expanded across Canterbury, Waitematā and Waikato DHB areas.
“Supporting our Pacific communities means more than simply having Pacific people delivering services at the frontline. Instead, new models of care are needed that reflect the values and philosophies of Pacific peoples,” Aupito William Sio said.
“Effective services for Pacific peoples need to integrate the cultural values of respect, family, reciprocity, collectivism and spirituality.”
Once up and running the new services are expected to be able to support more than 3,000 people a year.
The contracts, worth a total of $6.6 million, are part of the Government’s $455 million programme to increase access, and choice of, mental health and addiction services.
“While the services announced today are tailored for people with mild to moderate needs, I’m hopeful it will have a flow on effect by helping prevent needs from escalating and increasing awareness of mental wellbeing within the Pacific communities,” says Aupito William Sio. 
Editors Note:
The services announced are being delivered through:
Fonua Ola (Counties Manukau DHB)
Vaka Tautua (Auckland DHB and Capital and Coast DHB)
Pasifika Futures via The Fono (Counties Manukau DHB)
Pacific Health Services (Hutt Valley DHB)
Naku Enei Tamariki Inc (Hutt Valley DHB).

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