Pacific Community Health fund opens

The Associate Minister of Health, Aupito William Sio strongly encourages Pacific community organisations to apply for the Pacific Community Health Fund.
The Wellbeing Budget 2019 invested $9.8 million over four years to support Pacific community wellbeing, and a targeted approach to lifting Pacific wellbeing overall. This year, $450,000 is available to support community-led initiatives which meet the vision of ‘Resilient and Healthy Pacific peoples’ in Goal 3 of the Pacific Aotearoa Lalanga Fou report and the Ola Manuia: Pacific Health Action Plan 2020-2025.
“Pacific communities are resilient and powerful agents who have the potential to create lasting positive changes for Pacific wellbeing in Aotearoa,” says Minister Sio.
“We saw this during the COVID-19 lockdowns where Pacific communities throughout the country played a key role in keeping our people safe, particularly in Tāmaki Makaurau.”
 The Fund is a collaboration between the Ministry of Health and the Ministry for Pacific Peoples. The objective is to provide Pacific communities with the opportunity to set and achieve their own wellbeing goals and aspirations. Pacific community organisations such as Pacific churches, Pacific owned charities or sporting organisations can apply.
In the last two years, the Fund has supported wellbeing initiatives across the motu, which have been led by Pacific community groups. The focus of these initiatives has been diverse and included youth wellbeing, mental health, older people’s wellbeing and responding to the impacts of COVID-19.
“Pacific communities provide essential wellbeing support and services to our Pacific peoples, often with limited financial assistance and resources.
“I am excited to see more Pacific communities’ benefit from this Fund,” said Aupito William Sio.
The Fund is now open for applications and will close 5pm 19 July 2021. For more information about the Fund, eligibility criteria and to apply, visit:

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