March 15 Collective Impact Board appointed

The voices of those affected by the March 15 mosque attacks will be heard more effectively with the establishment of a new collective impact board, Associate Minister for Social Development and Employment Priyanca Radhakrishnan announced today.
Seven members of the Christchurch Muslim community have been appointed to the newly established Board, which was one of the key recommendations of the Royal Commission of Inquiry into the 2019 attack on Christchurch Mosques.
“The Collective Impact Board brings together community and government representatives to guide ongoing support services for the families and individuals affected by the Christchurch mosque attacks,” Priyanca Radhakrishnan said.
“The nominations received were of high calibre and were carefully considered by a panel made up of community and government representatives.
“I am confident the successful candidates will be able to represent the views and perspectives of those directly affected by the mosque attacks to ensure that the support provided addresses their needs.”
The seven Community Representatives will make up the majority of the Board, alongside six government agency representatives. It is anticipated that agencies represented may alter over time as the ongoing recovery needs of affected communities change.
“The Board will help to guide and further develop the Kaiwhakaoranga Specialised Case Management Service, which has worked closely with the affected community since April 2019,
“Based on the community’s feedback and the Royal Commission’s report, steps have already been taken to enhance the Service to support a broader group of affected families with a wider range of needs and services. These changes include seconding staff from Immigration New Zealand and Accident Compensation Corporation, and bringing into the team a dedicated work broker to help connect people into employment.
“The new Collective Impact Board will help further develop services to ensure affected families can access support effectively and in a culturally appropriate way.”
 The Community Representative Members of the Collective Impact Board are:
Hamimah (Tuyan) Ahmat
Maha Elmadani
Maha Galal
Dr. Maysoon Salama
Dr. Mazharuddin Syed Ahmed
Nathan Brent Smith
Sheikh Hasan Rubel
The Board will select its Chair at its first meeting in early June.

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