A deed of settlement has been signed between Maniapoto and the Crown marking a significant milestone towards resolving their historical Treaty of Waitangi claims, Minister for Treaty of Waitangi Negotiations Hon Andrew Little says.
Maniapoto is an iwi based in Te Rohe Pōtae (the King Country), in and around Taumarunui, Mōkau, Pureora, Te Kūiti, Ōtorohanga, Te Awamutu and Kāwhia. The iwi has an estimated 45,930 members, with more than 90-percent of them living outside of the rohe.
“The signing of this deed is testament to the decades of hard work and negotiations between Maniapoto and the Crown, and signifies the beginning of a new relationship between both parties based on trust, co-operation and partnership,” Andrew Little said.
“Maniapoto’s historical grievances relate to loss of life in conflicts with the Crown and bearing the costs of the New Zealand Wars. The Crown deliberately undermined Maniapoto independence, failed to uphold promises made in the 1880s relating to Maniapoto land administration and self-determination, and acquired Maniapoto land in an aggressive manner.”
“The deed includes an acknowledgement and apology by the Crown for its breaches of the Treaty towards Maniapoto.
“The redress package is one of the largest negotiated and includes financial and commercial redress of $165 million, the return of 36 sites of cultural significance in Crown ownership, a greater role in the management of natural resources within the Maniapoto rohe, the gift and gift back of “Te-Ara-o-Tūrongo” (part of the North Island Main Trunk railway line), and agreements with a range of Crown agencies.
“Due to COVID-19 Maniapoto and the Crown were unable to commemorate this historic signing together in person, but I look forward to delivering the Crown apology in person at a suitable time when it is safe to do so.
“I hope this long overdue settlement provides a foundation for the cultural, social and economic future of Maniapoto and their descendants,” Andrew Little said.
Claims on behalf of Maniapoto were filed in the late 1980s with The Waitangi Tribunal who conducted an inquiry into the claims between 2006 and 2020. Maniapoto obtained a mandate to negotiate in 2016 then reached an agreement in principle in 2017.
The deed was initialled in December 2020 and ratified this year.
A bill will be introduced to Parliament to enact the settlement into law. This is likely to take place by the end of the year.
A copy of the deed of settlement will be available online at www.govt.nz/browse/history-culture-and-heritage/treaty-settlements/find-a-treaty-settlement/maniapoto
Kua waitohungia te Whakataunga Whakaaetanga e Ngāti Maniapoto me te Karauna
“Kua waitohungia te Whakaaetanga Whakataunga i waenganui i a Ngāti Maniapoto me te Karauna, he tohu hirahira tēnei mō te whakataunga o ā rātou kerēme Tiriti,” te kōrero a te Minita mō ngā Take Tiriti, a Andrew Little.
Noho ai a Ngāti Maniapoto ki Te Rohe Pōtae, kei te takiwā o Taumarunui, o Mōkau, o Pureora, o Te Kuiti, o Ōtorohanga o Te Awamutu me Kāwhia. Ko tōna 45,930 te rahinga o te iwi, ka mutu, kei tua atu i te 90-paeheneti te nui o ngā uri kei waho atu o te rohe e noho ana.
“E tohu ana tēnei whakataunga i ngā whakapaunga kaha o ngā ngahuru tau ki muri nei me ngā whakawhitiwhti kōrero a Ngāti Maniapoto me te Karauna; he tohu hoki i te tīmatanga o tētahi hononga i waenga i ngā taha e rua i runga i te pono, te mahi tahi me te kōtuinga,” te kōrero a Andrew Little.
“Ko ngā tūkinotanga i pā ki a Ngāti Maniapoto i roto i ngā tau, i heke te toto i ngā pakanga ki te Karauna, me ngā pānga kino mai o ngā Pakanga o Niu Tireni. Whakahāweatia e te Karauna te mana motuhake o Ngāti Maniapoto, kāore i mau te Karauna ki āna kī-taurangi ki a Maniapoto mō te āhua ki ngā whakahaerenga me te rangatiratanga o ō rātou whenua i ngā tau 1880, ā, pākaha ana te tango a te Karauna i ngā whenua o Ngāti Maniapoto,” te kōrero a Andrew Little.
“Kei tēnei whakataunga kitea ai he tūtohunga, he whakapāha hoki nā te Karauna i āna tūkinotanga ki a Ngāti Maniapoto me āna takahitanga i te Tiriti.”
“Ko te puretumu nei tētahi o ngā puretumu nui rawa kua whiriwhiria; kua whakaurua he pūtea puretumu, he kaupapa arumoni $165 miriona te nui, 36 ngā wāhi tapu kua whakahokia, ka nui kē atu te mana whakahaere a Ngāti Maniapoto i ngā rawa taiao o roto i tō rātou nā rohe, te whakahokitanga atu o ‘Te Ara-o-Tūrongo’ ki a rātou (tētahi wāhi o te ara tereina matua o te Ika ā Maui), ā, tae noa ki ngā whakaaetanga i waenganui i a Ngāti Maniapoto me ngā tari maha a te Kāwanatanga.”
“Nā runga i te KOWHEORI-19, kīhai a Ngāti Maniapoto me te Karauna i hui ā-tinana ki te whakanui i tēnei rā whakahirahira, engari e rikarika ana au ki te tuku i te whakapāha a te Karauna ki a rātou i te wā e tika ana, e haumaru ana hoki.”
“Ko tāku e manako nei, ka noho tēnei whakataunga hei tūāpapa e puāwai ai ngā kaupapa ahurea, tāngata, ahumoni hoki mō ngā uri o Ngāti Maniapoto hei ngā rā ki tua,” te kōrero a Andrew Little.
Nō te paunga o ngā tau 1980 i whakatakotoria ai ngā kerēme mō Ngāti Maniapoto ki te aroaro o te Taraipiunara o Waitangi, ā, i reira ka tīmata ngā mahi a te Taraipiunara ki te whakawā i ngā kerēme o ngā tau 2006 ki te 2020. Ka whai mana kōkiri a Ngāti Maniapoto ki te whakawhitiwhiti kōrero i te tau 2016, ā nāwai rā, ka tau te whakaaetanga whakaritenga i te tau 2017. Nō te Tīhema o te 2020 whakaarahia ai te whakataunga, ā, ka whai mana i tēnei tau.
Ka whakatakotohia he pire ki te aroaro o te Whare Paremata kia whai mana ai te whakataunga i roto i te ture. Ko te whakapae, hei te paunga o te tau nei tutuki ai.
Kitea ai he kape o te Whakaaetanga Whakataunga ki: www.govt.nz/browse/history-culture-and-heritage/treaty-settlements/find-a-treaty-settlement/maniapoto
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